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Becoming a millionaire is more possible then ever before .

There are only three ways that you can create massive wealth for yourself. Besides becoming a professional athlete or reaching fame in the arts (musician, artist, etc.) there are other legitimate ways to earn your wealth, and they'll be the same for a long time. Becoming a millionaire is more possible then ever before. The first question before you become a millionaire is why? Why do you want to earn millions? Most people only want to become a millionaire to spend a million dollars — and that's not the right reason. Jim Rohn  once said, "When the why gets bigger, the how gets easier." This means that if you know why you're doing something, you'll always find a way to do it. When you know what you want, you'll learn how to do it. In the process of becoming wealthy, you've got to increase the quality and quantity of service that you render. Otherwise, there's no other way to reach the financial position you seek. As you go down this list,