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which skills he should possess to be a successful tele sale executive

1. Skilful Communicator - The game is all about communication. A good telesales executive should have good communication and questioning skills with even better listening skills. The telesales executive should be able to deliver concise statements in relevant pitch and tone, ask the questions that count, and listen to the prospects answers. They should also have good written communication skills.

2. Be Confident – The telesales executive should be able to deliver confidence and speak with a tone of authority to put the other person’s mind at ease. They should be able to understand the logic and reason of the calls made to the customer. They should also display trust and faith in the products they are selling the call to the customer.

3. Patience – The key weapon of any telesales executive is keeping patience. They should keep in mind that their job does not involve face to face interaction and hence it can get monotonous for both the parties. Handling the callers with patience and tolerance is the key to being a successful executive.

4. Maintain a positive mental attitude - It is not easy to convince the caller to buy over the phone and it is unusual for even a good telemarketer to be rejected by several potential customers in a row before reaching the one interested customer. They should be able to maintain a positive attitude under all circumstances and not take rejections personally but, as opportunities to develop their telemarketing skills.

5. Target oriented - Telemarketing agents need to be reaching a target of calls made, interviews completed, voicemails left, or they will never reach their target of leads generated. Hence, they should be able to recognize when it is time to move on to the next call. If a contact is expressly not interested in what they have to say, then they should politely end the call and move on to the next call.

6. Empathy - As a telemarketer they need to feel what each caller wants and they should be able to empathize with them. They should be able to display empathy towards their needs and requirements and be able to help customers proactively.

7. Good Memory – It is part of their job to memorize a script so that everyone speaks the same language to the customer and represent the company who has hired them properly.

8. Ability to focus – One of the most important considerations is the ability to focus. Working in a call center will be noisy, since there will be other people making calls all around. They will need to concentrate on the calls they are making and develop the ability to block out the distractions around while they are on their shift.

9. Interpersonal Skills - A genuine interest in people, treating the callers as individuals, be able to connect with them and not just treat them as next number on the list.

10. Self-Motivated – A telemarketer should have the inner calling to do this kind of a job and should keep in mind that someone, somewhere out there is waiting for their call!


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