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Why English is important better future in INDIA

Did you know that having a good command over the English language is the biggest advantage you could have over other prospective candidates for a job? 
It is every recruiter’s dream to come across an impressive candidate who speaks and understands English well.
Whether it is in the BPO sector, the sales sector or the hospitality sector, speaking and understanding English is not only of much importance, but it also increases your chances of getting a great job that promises a bright future. 
Improving your English is one of the best investments that you can make for your career. And, believe it or not, we enable you to make that investment completely free of cost! 
MeraJob conducts language assessment tests (which can also be taken over the phone) completely free of cost to tell you how good your English is and where you could do with some improvement. 
Based on the result of the assessment test, you can attend our English language workshops (no charges, no fees) where we help you improve your pronunciations, vocabulary and command over the language.


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